

Dog Grooming Services in Leicestershire and Leicester.

Do you have a special occasion coming up and want your pup to look perfect?

Or maybe your dog needs a trim for the warm summer months?

I also offer winter grooms.

Many breeds need regular appointments. I will discuss your lfestyle and offer suggestions of styling to help keep your fur friend looking their best.

Consultations are always reccomended with the owner present.



From February 2015

I require 24 hours notice to cancel a grooming session.

A no show or cancellation under the 24 hours will have a 50% fee to be paid upfront before I can give another appointment.

On rare occasions a groom may have to be abandoned, usually to aggression or health problems. I require the FULL fee.

New clients will be asked for a non refundable deposit of £10 per dog. This secures an appointment and safe guards Griffs Grooming from no shows and loss of income.

Dogs found to have fleas will automatically be treated at an extra cost.


You can rest assured that your dog will be well cared for while under my supervision. I usually only take one dog at a time, so my services are perfect for nervous or older dogs who need extra attention.

End Results

Want to turn your mucky mutt into a posh pooch?


Prices are dependant on how often the dog is groomed.

Our dog grooming services include:




•Hand stripping

•Nail clipping

•Ear plucking



•Maintance baths between grooms

•Puppy introduction to grooming

•Kisses and singing

Things to know

Prices increase for dogs that take longer to groom due to matts and who dance around the table avoiding being groomed.

Please allow your dog time to relieve themselves before coming into the groom room.

Respect the neighbours

Please, please don’t offend my neighbours by allowing your dog to foul and not “scooping the poop”.....

There is no such thing as a Dog Poo Fairy. 

I always have bags available if you have left yours at home.